Thursday, 20 November 2014

Marketing Films Questions

How do institutions market films?
Institutions market their films in a number of different ways such as: using social media, posters, magazine articles, TV and radio interviews/adverts, as well as getting the audience involved through competitions. Institutions invest loads of money into making sure people know about their film- almost as much as the budget for the film itself!

How do institutions market audiences?
They make sure they know exactly what it is that the audience wants. They are able manipulate different things for different audiences.

What types of technology is used and why?
Internet is widely used and that is because it's everywhere. Everyone can access the internet and everybody uses it. Anything they produce or anything they want to advertise can go worldwide so easily. There are also digital billboards, digital posters and apps.

What is the difference of marketing in different types of films?
The type of marketing you do is dependant on the genre of the film, the age of the target audience, the gender of the target audience and many more features. Things will differ because you wouldn't advertise and market an 18+ movie in a children's Happy Meal at McDonalds for example, but you would advertise a new animated children's movie there. So, different types of films require different types of marketing.

What have you learned about audience?
I've learnt that different things will apply and be suitable for different types of audiences. For example, the way in which you advertise/market: the companies you synergise with and the types of social media you use. You must know your audience inside out; know what they want and what they'd be likely to buy and consume.

How do they consume film marketing?

The audience consume the film marketing by absorbing and taking in whatever it is they have seen. Depending on the type of the film or the target audience, the types of consumption will differ. For example, it could be watching an advert or trailer for the film, or it could be eating the product with whom the film was synergised with. Everything done by the institutions is the thought out carefully to get the audiences to consume film marketing and it is very rarely that things that go well happen by accident.

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